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Ημερολόγιο ποίησης 2021, εκδόσεις Άπαρσις - "Με το βλέμμα των παιδιών"
Φωτογραφίες: Μάριος Λώλος
Κριτική επιτροπή ( με αλφαβητική σειρά)
Συντονισμός: Κατερίνα Θανοπούλου, εκπ/κος, ποιήτρια - Βασίλης Καλαμαράς, κριτικός βιβλίου, ποιητής
- Βερονίκη Δαλακούρα, ποιήτρια
- Κώστας Καναβούρης, ποιητής
- Αντώνης Σκιαθάς, ποιητής- πρόεδρος του Γραφείου Ποιήσεως
Ονόματα διακριθέντων:
Αλεξάνδρου Νικολέττα
Αλογοσκούφι Κασσάνδρα
Αμπατζόγλου Άννα
Αργυροπούλου Γιόλα
Ασημίνα Άννα
Αγυιώτη Κατερίνα
Βαλσαμίδης Ευάγγελος
Βιτσαράς Σ. Γιάννης
Γιαννακός Χρήστος
Γκιμοσούλης Κωστής
Γκούμας Ιωάννης Αριστοτέλης
Δασκαλόπουλος Νίκος
Δημοπούλου Μιχαλοπούλου Τίνα
Διώνη Δημητριάδου
Δραγούνη Βασιλική
Ελευθερίου Σοφία
Ζαγάρη Κων/να
Ζυμβραγάκης Αποστόλης
Θεοδωράκης Μ. Νίκος
Καβαδάτου Κατερίνα
Καζαντζίδου Ελεονώρα
Κακατσάκης Νικόλας
Καλογεροπούλου Αλεξία
Καλογεροπούλου Έφη
Κανιώτη Ολυμπία
Καρακωνσταντάκης Σταύρος
Κάραλης Π Μενέλαος
Καραπατάκη Ζωή
Καρπέτης Δημήτρης
Καρρά Ελένη
Κατσαδούρη Αφροδίτη
Κεφάλας Ηλίας
Κινγκ Μίνα
Κιφοκέρη Αθανασία
Κοζή Κατερίνα
Κόκοτα Μαριάννα
Κολιγιώτη Αλεξάνδρα
Κολιδάκης Δημήτρης
Κολλιά Χριστίνα
Κολλιάς Γιώργος
Κοσκινάς Λεωνίδας
Κουφοπούλου Τζένη
Κοψίδα-Βρεττού Βιβή
Κρυστάλλη Κατερίνα
Κυριαζής Ανδρέας
Κωνσταντάκη Στέλλα
Κωστέας Κωνσταντίνος
Λατίφαϊ Κατερίνα
Λεχουρίτης Γιώργος
Λιακοπούλου Τζούλια
Λιάτσος Παρασκευάς
Λιντζαροπούλου Ελένη
Λιπκοβιτς Μαίρη
Λουκίδου Ευτυχία - Αλεξάνδρα
Λυκοτραφίτη Δήμητρα
Μανιάτης Γιάννης
Μανωλακάκη Δέσποινα
Μαράκης Γιάννης
Μεγάλου Αρτεμισία
Μέγας Βασίλης
Μενάγια Αναστασία
Μερκοβίτης Χάρης
Μισύρη Ευτυχία
Μίχος Θανάσης
Μοσχοβάκος Νίκος
Μοσχοβάκος Νίκος
Μπάρδης Γεώργιος
Μπουγελέκας Γιώργος
Μπούσαλης Πάνος
Μωραίτης Γεώργιος
Νάνου Φ. Ειρήνη
Νικολάκη Χρύσα
Νικόλας Μιτζάλης
Νικολόπουλος Βασίλης
Ντόβας Μιλτιάδης
Οικονόμου Αθανάσιος
Παπαδημητρίου Απόστολος
Παπαδημητρίου-Σαμοθράκη Μάγδα
Παπαδομιχελάκη Αλίκη
Παπαδόπουλος Ιορδάνης
Παπαθανάση Δώρα
Παπαμίχου Μαργαρίτα
Παπαπάνος Κώστας
Παυλικιάνης Κων/νος
Πέζαρος Παύλος
Πέτα Ευαγγελία
Πεχλιβανίδου Διονυσία
Πήλιουρα Έφη
Πολέντας Μανόλης
Ρουσοπούλου – Παππά Νίκη (Ανδρονίκη)
Σακοράφα Τζένη
Σάμιος Κυριάκος
Σέντζα Μαρία
Σιδηρά Αγγελική
Σουβατζής Νίκος
Σταθακιός Αλέξανδρος
Σταθακοπούλου Ευγενία
Σταθάκος Φωτίου Νίκος
Στεργιοπούλου Έλενα
Στρατούλη Λένα
Στρίκου Χρύσα
Συμεωνίδης Γιάννης
Σύρμου Βάνια
Σφήκας Νικόλας
Σχοινοπλοκάκης Ροδόλφος
Τζανετάκης Γιάννης
Τζιώγα Ελένη
Τιχομίρ Αλέξανδρος
Τομαη Κριμιτσά Άρτεμις
Τουμανίδης Χρήστος
Τούμπα Εφη
Τριανταφυλλίδου Μελίνα
Τσακιρίδου Έλενα
Τσιλιγκίρη Κατερίνα
Φιλελές Δημήτρης
Χαραλαμπίδου Χρύσα
Χατζηγιαννάκη Κατερίνα
Χηράτου Ειρήνη
Χριστοπούλου Ελένη
Χρυσάκη Ιωάννα
"Με το βλέμμα των παιδιών"!!! Μια σπουδαία πραγματικά δράση, η οποία αφορά στην Έκδοση σχετικού Ποιητικού Ημερολογίου, από τις Εκδόσεις "Άπαρσις"! Μια δράση που προβάλλει Πανανθρώπινα Ιδανικά κι Αξίες, όπως ο Ανθρωπισμός, η Ισότητα, η Αλληλεγγύη και η Κοινωνική Δικαιοσύνη, κι όλα αυτά μέσα απ' τη Ποίηση, η οποία και διαβάζει τα ίδια τα μάτια και το βλέμμα των παιδιών! Δε θα πω περισσότερα παρά μόνο θα ήθελα ολόψυχα να συγχαρώ τις Εκδόσεις "Άπαρσις", καθώς και το σύνολο των συντελεστών και των συμμετεχόντων, για τούτη τη Λογοτεχνική δράση! Τιμή και Χαρά μου, η συμμετοχή σε μια τέτοια, τόσο Όμορφη και Σημαντική δράση-Έκδοση!
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I'd like to pay this in, please <a href="">can i take amoxicillin and drink alcohol</a> Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican leader Mitch McConnell held talks that Reid later called "substantive". Reid did not provide details, but his remarks gave some hope that Congress soon might pass legislation to fund the government - in shutdown mode since October 1 - and raise its borrowing authority.
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An estate agents <a href="">topical ciprofloxacin in pregnancy</a> But elsewhere Mr Cameron is beginning to establish a track record for genuine, substantial achievement. If progress continues over the next two years, it is hard to see on what platform the Labour Party (which has opposed pretty well all the substantive measures taken by Coalition ministers) can fight the next election. The House of Commons rises today. Coalition ministers are entitled to set off on holiday with a feeling of richly deserved pride and satisfaction.
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An envelope <a href="">acyclovir brand name in pakistan</a> Analysts expect investor patience to run out if thegovernment shutdown lasts more than about a week as the debtceiling deadline approaches. U.S. TreasurySecretary Jack Lew has said the United States will exhaust its$16.7 trillion borrowing authority no later than Oct. 17.
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Do you play any instruments? <a href="">drospirenona e etinilestradiol nomes comerciais</a> The racially charged case began on Feb. 26, 2012 when Zimmerman - a white Hispanic -- called police to report what he said was a suspicious person in his neighborhood on a rainy night. He got out of his car to follow Martin, who was black, but claims he stopped when police asked him not to follow, but that he wanted to get an address for police.
Not available at the moment <a href="">terbinafine vs miconazole jock itch</a> âEvery time Iâm in that position I just think back to Quail Hollow a few years ago and what I did the weekend there,â said the PGAâs defending champ. âIt gives me a bit of confidence knowing that Iâve been in that position before and Iâve been able to win. I know this is a major championship and itâs a bit different, but I felt good enough about my game that I could go out there and post a good one today and at least give myself a chance going tomorrow.â
It's serious <a href="">apo sumatriptan cmi</a> The first issue that euro zone ministers will have to tackleis a financing gap in the Greek bailout in the second half of2014. The European Commission estimates this gap at 3.8 billioneuros and the IMF, which co-finances the bailout, at 4.4 billioneuros in 2014.
What do you do for a living? <a href="">mobic and aleve interactions</a> The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based groupthat reports on abuses and battlefield developments usingsources on both sides of Syria's civil war, said the explosionwas caused by rebel artillery that hit a gas pipeline near theairport.
Will I get paid for overtime? <a href="">using flovent for bronchitis</a> The bearish domestic catalysts came on top of a bad day forU.S. stocks, which had their biggest one-day percentage dropsince late June on Thursday after positive data showed theFederal Reserve could be closer toward trimming its $85 billionmonthly bond-buying program.
I'd like to withdraw $100, please <a href="">xenical 120 mg buy</a> Oswald Clint, an analyst at Bernstein Research, said in a recent report that oil prices can hold steady and even rise into 2015. Among his reasons: The growth of U.S. oil production is slowing because the best new American fields have been tapped, and the number of rigs probing new fields has flattened out.
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</a> He isnât the most prominent baseball juicer since Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens appealing a rather epic suspension for his business relationship with his âconsultantâ Anthony Bosch, whom we are supposed to believe No. 13 of the Yankees was going to for anti-aging advice. No. He is a symbol of oppression, at least according to protesters who appear to have piled out of a Volkswagen like clowns every morning for photo ops before Rodriguez goes upstairs for these hearings on his 211-game suspension.
A law firm <a href="">albuterol inhaler overdose side effects</a> In addition to challenging the authenticity of the document, Rosenberg argued that she should have ownership of the list because Schindler's wife Emilie had listed her as her sole heir after she died. According to court documents, the court issued a temporary restraining order on sales of the list, but subsequently decided Zimet could sell it.
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I'm not interested in football <a href="">amlodipine obat sakit kepala</a> In response to Mr Barroso's comments, Mr Callanan said it was "a bit rich for the unelected head of the European Commission to give electoral advice⦠but I suppose that's typical of him".
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US dollars <a href="">renagel tabletten</a> Ayako Sera, market economist at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank shared a similar view. "It might be counterintuitive that the dollar rose on news that a dove is likely to be the next head of the Fed, but the news itself removed some of the uncertainty, and therefore contributed to risk-on sentiment."
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We need someone with experience <a href="">how long does female cialis take to work</a> It also wants the inspector of elections to immediatelycertify results of the election of directors based on votes atthe originally scheduled July 15 annual meeting. That would meanvotes arriving after July 15 would not be counted.
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Have you got a telephone directory? <a href="">flonase sensimist strength</a> Amazon has a few well-known peculiaritiesâthe desks are repurposed doors; meetings begin with everyone in the room sitting in silence as they read a six-page document called a narrative. Itâs a famously demanding place to work. And yet just how the company worksâand what Bezos is like as a personâis difficult to know.
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Could I have an application form? <a href="">para que serve o diclofenaco sodico e potassico</a> Samantha Lewthwaite, 29, has been on the run for eight years, since her husband, Germaine Lindsay, blew himself up in the July 2005 suicide bombings in London that targeted subway riders.Survivors of the Westgate Mall in Nairobi said a white woman wearing a veil was among the hostage-takers. Media reports, mostly from Britain, are fueling conjecture that Lewthwaite was the white woman killed in the Nairobi attack.
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href="">sildenafil och alkohol</a> "I know there's a lot of emotional concern about should we be spending the money," said Orr. "But frankly that's part of the economic development. We need jobs. If it is as productive as it's supposed to be, that's going to be a boon to the city."
Where do you come from? <a href="">amoxicillina e acido clavulanico bustine bambini</a> While Americans were weary of a government shutdown that could result if the Senate, House and White House cannot come to an agreement on the continuing resolution, a host of polls out Thursday show that Americans want Congress and the president to play ball on the debt ceiling.
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Cool site goodluck :) <a href="">how long does it take abilify to work for depression</a> The Democratic-led U.S. Senate on Tuesday voted to killRepublicans' latest attempts to modify an emergency governmentfunding bill, stripping proposed amendments from the spendingbill and sending back to the House a "clean" bill that wouldfund government agencies until Nov. 15.
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Thanks funny site <a href="">atralin tretinoin gel 0.05 uk</a> The decision by the President to seek Congressional debate and votes regarding military action against Syria is the talk of Washington this week. The last week of the long summer recess is not normally known for committee hearings or large scale classified briefings, but both are in full swing. The first was Tuesday's hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee where Secretary John Kerry, Secretary Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Martin Dempsey testified regarding the situation in Syria.
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What's the exchange rate for euros? <a href="">cialis 5 mg opinie</a> "While employers can calculate how many employees will be newly eligible for coverage, they can only guess how many will actually elect coverage," Mercer said in the statement. "All individuals are required to have health coverage in 2014, but because the tax penalty for not obtaining coverage insurance will be relatively low in 2014 – just $95 per individual or 1 percent of household income, whichever is greater – some employees may still choose to go bare."
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Could you tell me the dialing code for ? <a href="">lamisil once 4g ayak mantar kremi</a> There seems to be a particular snideness coming from the right on Obama's vacation, although he has certainly take a great deal less time "off" than President George W. Bush. And yet even that is pretty meaningless for both presidents, since presidents are never really off. Whether they are clearing brush on a ranch or golfing on the Cape, they are still working – getting briefed, having conversations with staff and foreign leaders. There's a reason presidents with nary a grey hair when they are elected have more salt then pepper locks when they leave office.
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An estate agents <a href="">panadol sinus in pregnancy</a> Reuters has not seen all the documents, but did obtain fromthe government a redacted agenda for a "classified briefing forenergy and utilities sector stakeholders" on May 23, 2013. Theagenda stated the purpose was "to discuss national security andcriminal risks to critical energy infrastructure."
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Would you like to leave a message? <a href="">precio cardura 2 mg</a> Democrats have countered Boehner can end the slimdown immediately because the House has enough votes from Democratic and Republicans members to pass a âcleanâ spending bill, free of demands to defund or dismantle ObamaCare.
A few months <a href="">ciprofloxacina sirve para la infeccion de muelas</a> This is crazy. Why do Republicans get so upset about spending money on people who need it, while legislating windfall gifts to the rich? I think I know the answer to that. We need to stop the corruption. Publicly financed elections, and an end to accepting anything from lobbyists, and end to the revolving door between politicians and corporations, and an end to gerrymandering.
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